Attorney Mathew Sullivan of the Queens, NY Personal Injury Law Firm of Gregory Spektor & Associates, P.C. explains how much time you have to sue aka Statute of Limitations if you are involved in a Construction or Work-related Accident.
State of Limitation on Construction Accidents
Michael Levitis 00:00
Hey everybody. This is Mike Levitis of And I’m here with two attorneys, Matthew Sullivan and Gregory Spektor of the law firm of Gregory Spektor and Associates. Matthew, you deal with construction accident cases, tell me how long does the client have to start an accident? So in other words, what is the statute of limitations on the construction accidents
Matthew Sullivan 00:27
Gregory Spector and Associates, we are so proud to represent clients in the tri state area, really meaning New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. And as you know, construction site injuries are often some of the most horrific some of the most catastrophic that we deal with. Because construction work is so dangerous, dealing with elevation related risks, like being on a scaffold, dealing with machinery, that injuries are sometimes life changing. So while we understand what the statutes are, and I’ll certainly explain them to you, and the listeners, the very first thing you should do when you’ve been in a construction accident, is not think about what the longest amount of time I have to file a claim. But how quickly can I get things started? How quickly can I get a lawyer on your side, because these construction companies, as you well know, already have a team of insurance professionals, safety professionals and lawyers ready to get into action. So it is so important if you have been involved in a worksite accident in a construction site accident, to get lawyers on your side, get Gregory Spektor and Associates working for you. Most of our cases are in New York, and the metropolitan area, the five boroughs and beyond. In New York, for a typical construction site accident against your typical construction entities and general contractors, you have three years from the date of the incident, until you can bring a lawsuit. Now. We’re located in Queens. And so we often deal with projects that are owned or managed by New York City. Okay, you’re involved in a construction accident that occurs on city owned property? Well, that statute shrinks dramatically from three years to just one year and 90 days. And even within that one year and 90 day timeframe, there are other obligations, other claims you have to file or otherwise, the city will throw you out of court right away. So if you’ve been involved in a construction site accident, especially if it’s city owned property, you have to get your paperwork started right away and get Gregory Spector and Associates on your side immediately.
Michael Levitis 02:49
Matthew, thank you very much. You know, it seems from what you’re saying it’s better sooner rather than later. Because the information is still fresh in people’s heads, the evidence is still there. So it’s best to call as soon as possible to an attorney that handles construction accidents. One of such premier law firms is thelaw firm of Gregory Spektor & Associates. And we’re going to put out your phone number on the bottom of the screen. Gentlemen, thank you so much. Have a great day.
Matthew Sullivan 03:19
Thank you, Michael. Thank you