Divorce Attorney Marina Shepelsky lists Top 5 worst excuses for cheating she has heard in her career.
Marina Shepelsky
Marina Shepelsky is an award-winning Divorce Attorney, and a CEO and founder ofÂ
Shepelsky Law Group.
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Physical v. Emotional Cheating. One time Sex versus a Long-term Infidelity
Differences between Physical and Emotional Cheating. One time lapse versus long-term cheating on your spouse. Using social media to cheat – how all you say on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms will be used in court against you. All explained by Divorce Attorney Marina Shepelsky.
Why Women Initiate Divorce First
Women, especially College-educated ones, usually start the Divorce First.
Divorce Law Attorney Marina Shepelsky of Brooklyn, NY explains why.
Spouse Making Cash – How Does it Effect a Divorce and Alimony
If your spouse is making Cash and not declaring it to the IRS – how do you get your Alimony calculated? Divorce Law Attorney Marina Shepelsky of Brooklyn, NY tells us how to prove to the Court how much his or her income really is.