
Dispute Resolution

George Benaur
All posts for Business Litigation

Key Resources to Consider in International Litigation Cases

In this video, business litigation attorney George Benaur discusses the various resources available in international litigation cases. When dealing with legal disputes that cross borders, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the legal system and legal nuances of the countries involved.

If you’re involved in an international litigation case, this video provides valuable information on the resources available to help you navigate the complex legal landscape. Contact Benaur Law today to learn more about how his team of legal professionals can assist you with your international legal needs.

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Understanding the Standards for a Freezing Order: What You Need to Know

In this video, business litigation attorney George Benaur discusses the standards for obtaining a “freezing order” in legal matters. He also explains the importance of providing full and frank disclosure to the court and the potential consequences of failing to do so.

If you’re involved in a legal dispute where a freezing order may be necessary, it’s essential to understand the standards and requirements involved. This video provides practical advice and tips to help you navigate this complex area of the law.

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